6 office decor tips to improve productivity

office decor tips

Did you know that the office environment you’re in can play a major role in your mood and productivity?

Office design and decor are crucial to both employees and clients. Employees spend a large part of their day inside the office so it’s important to promote productivity and efficiency by creating an office space that’s visually appealing, comfortable and functional. And for more ways to improve productivity at the office read our post about 5 easy desk organization tricks.

If you are looking to positively impact productivity and make the most out of your workplace, let’s explore how a few simple decor tips can lead to a more productive office environment.

1. Make a plan

Before incorporating new ideas into your office decor, you need to plan for the new exciting project. Think about everything that matters, from spaces to the design approach, and decorate your office to suit your needs. 

Consider which furniture you already have, the lightning, the space available and what you want to accomplish with your office space. This tool will give you a visual idea of your plan while maximizing your space’s potential. Don’t forget to get helpful feedback from the team on possible changes.

2. Office Lighting

Light is one of the most important factors when it comes to improving your office environment. Natural light in the workplace provides many benefits from boosting energy levels to improving worker satisfaction and productivity.

Did you know that natural light is associated with healthy sleep schedules? Better sleep leads to greater employee productivity. 

If you can’t add more windows, contemplate using natural light bulbs and open doors and windows to allow natural light in.

3. Make it green! 

The presence of plants will make your staff feel happier and it will ultimately lead to increased productivity. Not to mention that plants also purify the air, which can improve concentration as well. 

Plants and art in the office are found to boost productivity, read our post about the best easy-care indoor plants for your office.

Finally, play with decorative pots, vases, and flowers around the office space, from the lobby area to the staff desks.

4. Pay attention to room colours

Did you know that the colours around us have a profound effect on our moods and brain function?

Since brighter atmospheres help induce analytical thinking you can go with a clean look of pure white. If you want to keep things minimal and modern while opening up a smaller office space, off-white is a good option. 

Keep in mind that just one colour in a room may not cut it, try adding a dash of colour for stimulation and increased productivity. Make it fun, but don’t overdo it!

5. Comfortable office furniture

Did you know that discomfort leads to disengaged and unproductive employees?

Office decor has to be as visually appealing as to comfortable. Make sure your employees have properly fitted chairs and desks. Create spaces for them to change environments while at work and make the shared spaces functional for everyone at the office. 

6. Practical and stylish storage 

Clutter around the office can affect your productivity and mood. Make sure that the office has enough space to incorporate shelves and storage boxes. Ensure everything has is designated place. Also, make it a habit to return every item to its place after being used. 

Decorating your office properly can do wonders for your mood and productivity, you might even be surprised at how much more you’ll be able to accomplish thanks to improving the way your office looks and functions. 

Follow these tips to help ensure your employees are both happy and productive in their roles at work!


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